Earn free bkash money in 2019

Earn free bkash money in 2019

Hello! friend's. Welcome to my New Viral fact Bd blog. Today's We will be talking about the Earnings tips for bkash. So i hope that's article will help you in future. If you don't know what is bkash then Reading down. So then lets start.

What is the bkash!

Hey if you know what's is bkash then you can know what's is let's start bkash is a type of bank. You can transfer money to other accounts and you can get recharge money from bkash easily.
Recently bkash releases a new android app that's name is also Bkash and You Can Download it from your Playstore just you have to Search in Playstore "Bkash" then you can see this App in top and then install it on your Android phone.

Then Bkash app installed and then Open it. And They Ask your Number in the app & you have to put the number and they send you a code on our bkash number then you have to put the code then you successfully logged in to your bkash account. You can Use Bkash App easily and if you are not want to use bkash app so then you can use it in call pad.
You have to put this code in your dial pad *247# then you can use it.But I suggest you that You Use the Bkash App. Thats Bkash app is easy to use and Simple to Use.

Now We Talk about how to Earn Bkash Money.

Hey if You want to Earn a genuine Money and Withdraw in Bkash. And if you want to know how to earn money in Bangladesh then you want to know all this questions then keep Reading down this Article. So then let's start.

If you want to earn money then You have to install Bkash app in your mobile and you have to Open this application and Log in Your Bkash account if you don't know how to login then read in upper i already talk about the App. So then if you logged in successfully and then go in refer options and you can earn money by providing this bkash app someone if you share this bkash app with your one friend you will get 25 taka in your bkash account if you a lot of your friends then you can earn a lot of money and if you work hard in this app you can earn a lot of money. If you want to know some other ways to make money in Bangladesh then we have a ptc app and you can withdraw in your Bkash and you can recharge it to your mobile. So then let know about this ptc app. If you don't know but a lot of ptc apps in Playstore but some apps are not Pay money to you but Some apps Are genuine. I have a app that name is Earn money pro. You can install it from Playstore. And create a account and they give you some work and complete the work and get money in your bkash or recharge. Work are so easy just you have to watch some ads and earn money.
so keep try this one. If you want to know how to get money or earn money then comment and tell us.

Note-that:- So how do you like this article if you get help in this article then share with your other friends and be happy. We will meet in next article so bye. 

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