Top Usefull Tools For Android in 2019
Top Usefull Tools For Android in 2019
Hello! Friends. Welcome to our a new blog post was from So, Now in this article we will going to know about some useful and essential tools used in Android phones.
So which tools i talking about it and what's their utility? Should we try or use this tools in our Android phones. So we will learn all about this such and we are going to learn about this in today's article.
Keep in mind in this blog post and learn more about this tools in English. So then lets start.
● Google Find My Device
We all know that is the Google product which has developed for their own customers. It is usually used in our modern lifestyle. So if you are not know how to use it this tool and know how to do it. For our information In days almost every people use smartphonewe'll that's also called Android phone. In this time many people are losing their phones in roads or in room well Google Find My Device app will help you to find the smartphone with the help of this Android Tools, That's all. This is the first time that you have forgotten the password of your login password in the mobile that you are lost so then you have to use another mobile phone. And in this phone you have to install the same app has name is Google Find My Device app from your Playstore.
And then you have to login the lost phones Gmail to your new phone and you can see that which phone you are lost in your dashboard.
And you can delete the all data from your lost mobile and you can also know that the location of the lost Android phone.
● QR Code Scanner Android App
In this days if you take some product from any market. And also you will see a QR Code behind the product.If you are Don't know what Is QR Codes is So then Keep Read Down this article. So QR Code is in our information this is a digital codes. Whatever you want to do you can hide the information. So you should know that you will get a QR Code in adhar cards too and You Can See the Information of the adhar card from QR Code Scanner Various features of type information are hidden in the QR Code. But you can't See the information like this, so their Requires Our QR Code Scanner or readers.
So if you have a Smartphone, then you will find a lot of QR Code Scanner applications in Playstore and You can install the Apps from there, after installing, Your Camera will be opened and which means you are going to check out the QR Code & You will be get the fully details of that QR Code. So Then try this application and also tell us how you are enjoy the app.
● Dumpster Application
I know Many people have heard about this Dumpster Application, & also Many people are Not know about the application. So then i tell you that is this Apps is a Recovery Application. For this work people are using this. So then id you want to use this then install this app from the Playstore.And then you can delete the photos or Videos from your Android phone & now You know this File is deleted. Now You should have to open the app & now you delete the file or video or images. You will get this and you can get or take this files back again in Android phone if you want.
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